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 The 7th millennium, or The 8th

When will Messiah set up His Kingdom?

compiled by Rachel Cory-Kuehl, May 2024

Scripture quoted from the NKJV, unless otherwise noted.



Just about every denomination and teacher of Biblical things these days, is preaching that Yeshua Messiah will set up His kingdom on this earth, at the 7th millennium, immediately following His upcoming glorious return. (Or 7 years following the “secret rapture” in the case of the Baptists.)


The 7th Day Adventists remain the one notable exception. The Adventists teach the complete decimation of the earth by the seven wrath plagues. According to their interpretation of the prophecies, this earth will remain an “uninhabited place” for the entire 7th millennium. At the 8th millennium, Christ will restore the earth to life, and the redeemed will return with Him to inhabit the land promised. So far, I can agree, except for the possibility that the redeemed may return to earth half way through the 7th millennium, to fulfill the Jubilee. This would allow for rebuilding and restoration (to include building Ezekiel’s Temple) ahead of the resurrection of “the rest.”


A lifeless planet earth for all (or at least half) of the 7th millennium, is an essential element of the Adventist view, and of my own interpretation of Revelation Chapter Twenty.


I can agree with the Adventists, that “the rest” will be resurrected at the 8th millennium (Rev 20:5). I too believe, that Satan will be “released from the pit,” to TEST all of those resurrected as part of “the rest” (Rev 20:7). Where my view diverges from that of the Adventists, concerns the identity of “the rest.”


The Adventists believe “the rest” will be all of “the wicked,” from the whole 6000 years of human history. Irretrievably “lost,” “the rest” are resurrected at the 8th millennium to face judgment and then annihilation. They just have to be “deceived” (once again) by Satan, and then demonstrate their wicked character (once again), before they can be annihilated by fire from God. I reject this view. I believe “the rest” will be all of those human beings who lived and died in ignorance, without a knowledge of the God of Israel. They had no opportunity to choose.



Daniel 12:2-3 describes a resurrection (singular) involving multitudes. “Some” are raised “to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.” This resurrection of BOTH righteous and wicked individuals, will take place at the glorious return of Christ. This is a forever judgment! Everlasting contempt is a done-deal! One does not come back from “everlasting contempt.” And “everlasting life” is a forever reward.


The “multitude” resurrected “to shame and everlasting contempt,” are those who served Satan. They are part of “the beast” (Satan’s system of domination) and/or “the false prophet” (Satan’s system of deception). They will be cast into the “lake of fire” by Christ at His glorious return (Rev 19:19-20). They are done, finished and destroyed! Christ will NOT retrieve such persons from the “lake of fire,” to judge them again, and then throw them back into the lake of fire. No way! That would be massive revenge overkill!


The Revelation account mentions a third group - “the rest of the dead(Rev 20:5). These people are NOT RESURRECTED at the upcoming glorious return. They are NOT JUDGED at the glorious return. They will “not live again” until a thousand more years have passed. In other words, they will be resurrected to continue their lives at the 8th millennium! The prophecies that describe people from “the nations,” going “up to the House of the God of Israel,” fit perfectly into an 8th millennium fulfillment scenario (Isa 2:1-4).


NOTE: “The rest” will NOT live in Heaven or in Purgatory, waiting for their resurrection. They will sleep in death. See our study: Where are the Dead?


I believe “the rest” will be all of those who lived and died in ignorance of God and of Christ, whether because of circumstance, childhood, or disability. They did not have the information, the mental capacity or the opportunity, to choose either to serve or to reject Christ as LORD. They were NOT CALLED during this age.


A NOTE concerning infants and children: If the LORD were to translate infants and young children immediately into Heaven, would this not constitute manipulation? They did not believe, and they did not choose to serve. How could Christ guarantee their continued service in His Kingdom, except by mind manipulation? All without their permission or consent. This is why I am convinced that all children will be resurrected as part of “the rest,” at The 8th Day.


Christ said, “If you were blind (meaning ignorant) you would have no sin (Jn 9:41). In the Tabernacle prophecy, the “continual” sacrifices covered all unintentional sins of ignorance, until the sin “became known” (understood by the sinner) (Exo 29:38-42, Lev 6:8-13, 1Chron 16:40, Lev 5:18, Eze 45:20, Heb 9:7). The sinner was then to bring a “sin offering,” and a priest would “make atonement” for him, restoring him to Yah’s favor.


The rest” did not understand their sin against the God of Heaven, because they had no (or very limited) knowledge of Him, or of His Torah. The “continual” intercession of Yeshua Messiah provides the “covering” for these people, until they can be resurrected and educated in the way of God.


Christ died for the whole world. He will not leave human beings dead like unfortunate collateral damage. Each one must HEAR the Gospel. Each one must either accept the pardon offered, or reject Christ as LORD and King and Savior. Paul said the Gentiles “must hear” so they can be saved (Eph 1:13, Acts 15:7, Rom 10:14-17). God will provide that opportunity. The resurrection of “the rest” will take place at the 8th millennium. They will live again as “nations” in the four corners of the earth.


Revelation 20:5 “But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished.”


During the 8th millennium, “the nations” will HEAR the truths of God. They will HEAR the Gospel. The redeemed from the glorious return, as “priests of God and of Christ” (Rev 20:6) will teach “the rest” what it means to sin against their Creator, and what grace was made available through the great sacrifice of the Father, through His Son. Those who CHOOSE to serve the LORD, will be granted eternal life in His Kingdom. Many will accept.


I felt that I should summarize my reasons for believing that Christ WILL NOT set up His kingdom here on the earth, immediately upon His glorious return. This will be a very brief summary. Please follow the link at the end of this article, to find the full studies.


A 7th millennium rule of Christ, with redeemed Israel serving as His priests to govern “the nations” on this planet:

            is inconsistent with the prophecies of Ezekiel, Daniel, Isaiah, and Revelation.

            is inconsistent with Tabernacle/Temple/Priesthood TYPES

            is inconsistent with Ancient Galilean wedding typology.

is inconsistent with the predicted total destruction resulting from the seven bowls of wrath.

NOTE: “The nations” of Revelation Chapter Twenty are not “Israel.” “The nations” are unconverted Gentile nations. See our study: Who are Israel?


The following are my reasons for believing that Messiah will set up His kingdom on this earth, at the 8th millennium. NOT the 7th.



Reason #1:


Our God is just. He will not treat human beings as unavoidable “collateral damage,” to be left behind without any opportunity for salvation. He will resurrect all those who lived and died in ignorance, without any knowledge of Him (because of young age, circumstance or disability). He will then send “messengers” so that “the rest” can hear the Gospel, and then choose either to serve Christ, or to rebel against Him (in the final Gog/Magog Battle of Rev 20:7-9). Those from the resurrection at His glorious return, will become “priests of God and of Christ” at the 8th millennium, to take His message to “the rest” (Rev 20:6).



Reason #2:


All of those redeemed through Christ, rescued from this earth at the upcoming Glorious Return, will become “priests of God and of Christ.”


“They shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years.” Revelation 20:6


Question: Why would the LORD still need “priests” AFTER His glorious return? Priests served as mediators for “the people” making “atonement for the repentant. They taught the Law, and were judges of last resort.


Personal Note: THIS was my own initial question, which lead through many years of study, to my present understanding of The 8th Day.


Answer: For “the rest,” when they are resurrected to “live again.” Those from the Glorious Return, trained for their role as priests, will serve that great mass of humanity resurrected at the 8th millennium.


In the ancient prophetic TYPE, the first priests (Aaron and his two older sons) completed a 7 day consecration. For this consecration Aaron and his sons remained within the Tabernacle (Leviticus 8:33). They did not begin to minister as priests, until “the eighth day.”

      Connect the dots.


Prophetically, the 8th Day will be the 8th millennium. “With the LORD a thousand years is as a day, and a day is as a thousand years” (2Peter 3:8).

            Those in Christ cannot begin their ministry as priests, until the 8th millennium. To fulfill the       prophetic TYPE, they must “remain within the Tabernacle” for seven prophetic “days.”

            “Heaven itself” IS “the true Tabernacle” (Hebrews 9:24).


Question: How can it be said that the future priesthood “remain within the Tabernacle” for seven prophetic “days” (7 millennia)?


Answer: The priesthood of God must be viewed as one whole - as one body - as Israel, the “bride of Messiah.” All faithful servants of God in Christ must be included, from righteous Able to Abraham, to Joseph and Moses (covered prophetically by the sacrifices), down to those final remaining saints who are caught up to “meet Him in the air.”


According to Hebrews 12:22, all those “in Christ” “have come” to the New Jerusalem. God and the Lamb are the Temple [Tabernacle] of that City (Rev 21:22). When we “abide in the Son and in the Father,” (1Jo 2:24) we remain within “the true Tabernacle.”


The 7th millennium will begin with the Glorious Return of Messiah to gather His “bride” - His redeemed Israel. This intended priesthood must still fulfill the 7th prophetic “day,” before they can begin to serve as priests for “the nations.”


We will begin our priestly ministry for, and governance of “the nations,” just when “the rest of the dead” are resurrected (Rev 20:5) - at the 8th Day. As “priests” for the 8th Day, we will serve that mass of humanity, to teach and govern them - to bring many to Yeshua as Lord and King, and to the Father as God over all.


Those delivered from the earth at the Glorious Return will need a long recovery and rehabilitation period, in addition to their education and training for the priesthood under High Priest Yeshua Messiah. The thief on the cross believed. He was newborn in Christ. But he did not mature past that point. All of us will need time to learn and grow up into Christ. “. . . till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ;” (Eph 4:13).


We CANNOT BEGIN our ministry as priests, at the 7th millennium. The prophecy of the ancient Tabernacle priesthood says we cannot. And the prophecy of the 7 wrath plagues tells us that no one from “the nations” will be left alive during the 7th millennium. There will be no one to minister for.


Reason #3:


Anyone of ‘the congregation” who had “touched death” remained ceremonially “unclean” for 7 days. He must be sprinkled with the ashes of the red heifer on the 3rd day, and again on the 7th day (Num 19:2-12). At the start of the 8th day, he would be declared “clean.” He could then enter the Tabernacle courtyard to “stand before the LORD.”


We (meaning the entire congregation of redeemed Israel, past, present and future) have all touched death. We are healed lepers, who will become priests of His Temple at the 8th Day. We were sprinkled with the ashes of the red heifer on “the third day” (the 3rd millennium from either the sin of Adam, or the death of Abel) when Israel was “sprinkled” by Moses at the foot of Sinai (Heb 9:19). Our hearts will be “sprinkled” again by our High Priest Yeshua Messiah, during the 7th prophetic “day” (Heb 10:22).


Believers are “grafted in” to Israel. They become part of that sprinkled body. Unbelieving Israelites are “cut off” from that body (Romans Chapter Eleven).

      See our study: Who are Israel?


Both the prophecy of the priesthood, and the prophecy of the ceremonies for restoring a healed leper to “the congregation,” point to “the eighth day” (Leviticus Chapters 8 & 14).



Reason #4:


The Tabernacle and later the Temple at Jerusalem, was consecrated for 7 days. Only at the 8th day, could peace offerings and sacrifices for atonement from sin be performed there (See Lev Chpt.14; Exo 29:37, 44; Eze 43:26-27; 2Chron 7:9 & 29:17.) Connect the dots. If this is the prophetic TYPE, then believers also must be consecrated for 7 “days.”


We are called “the Temple of God,” because the Spirit of God dwells within us (1Cor 3:16). This Temple also - God’s Temple of His people, will not be fully cleansed and consecrated until the start of the 8th prophetic “day.”

            Question: When will Ezekiel’s Temple be fully consecrated and ready?

      Answer: At the 8th prophetic “day.”  


Reason #5:


Revelation 12:1-5 And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. 2 She was pregnant and was crying out in birth pains and the agony of giving birth. 3 And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads seven diadems. 4 His tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth.”


Revelation 12:1-5 [continued]

And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she bore her child he might devour it. 5 She gave birth to a male child, one who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron, but her child was caught up to God and to his throne . . .” (ESV)


Leviticus 12:2 “Say to the Israelites: ‘A woman who becomes pregnant and gives birth to a son will be ceremonially unclean for seven days . . .’” NIV


Israel is “the woman” of Revelation Chapter 12. Jerusalem on earth was her capital. Her Son is Yeshua Messiah who will one day rule all nations. Jerusalem on earth will therefore remain ceremonially “unclean” for seven prophetic “days.” She will not be declared “clean,” until the 8th Day.


Question: How can Messiah rule and reign from Jerusalem on the earth during the upcoming 7th “day” (millennium), if His city remains ceremonially unclean?

            2Peter 3:8 “. . . a day is as a thousand years.”




Reason #6:


The wrath plagues of Revelation Chapter 16, will wipe out all human and animal life on planet earth. The sun will “scorch men with fire” (Rev 16:8-9). All the grass, and all the trees will be “burned up” (2Pet 3:10-12, Rev 8:7). Everything in “the sea” will die (Rev 16:3). There goes the whole food chain. Plants produce 25% of earth’s oxygen. Ocean algae produce the other 75%. How can human life continue on this planet without oxygen?


“But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up (2Pet 3:10).


Grief! And folks believe there will be unsaved “survivors,” from “the nations.” I don’t think so! Yeshua said it will be like the flood of Noah, and like the destruction of Sodom (Lk 17:26, Lk 17:29-30). Total destruction. “Destroyed them all,” means what it says.


NOTE: The “survivors” will be those removed from the earth at “the last Trump,” to join Christ in the place He has prepared, in His “Father’s House” (Jn 14:2, Heb 11:16).


Jeremiah was shown “the earth” after “the great day of the LORD.” “It was without form and void” (Jer 4:23 and Isa 34:11). The same Hebrew words are used in Genesis Chapter One, to describe the earth before the LORD created any life. Connect the dots.

      See our study: “Trumpets and Vials.”


Reason #7


2Chronicles 36:20 “He [Nebuchadnezzar] took into exile in Babylon those who had escaped from the sword, and they became servants to him and to his sons until the establishment of the kingdom of Persia, to fulfill the word of the LORD by the mouth of Jeremiah, until the land had made up for its sabbaths. All the days that it lay desolate it kept sabbath, to fulfill seventy years.” NRS


The LORD told Jeremiah the prophet, that Nebuchadnezzar would attack Jerusalem and Judea. Those who survived the attack would serve the king of Babylon for seventy years, and during this time “the land” of Israel would lay desolate. All of this would reclaim the sabbaths that Israel had not kept, during the years since “the people” entered “the land.”


Connect the dots. Would not the complete desolation of this planet for a thousand years, be a “rest” in the same sense? The 7th Day was declared “holy” at the end of creation week (Gen 2:3). It wasn’t just for Hebrews. It was “made for mankind” (Mark 2:26). There is no passage declaring that the LORD has removed the “set apart” or “holy” status of the 7th Day. Yet the vast majority of human beings on this planet, have never acknowledged or honored the LORD’s Sabbath, for the last 6000 years.


Desolation IS “rest.” The 7th Day was for “rest,” and the 7th millennium will be a “rest” for this earth. The principle here is that the LORD will reclaim His sabbaths.


          ON THE SABBATH


Reason #8:


During the 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, no manna fell on the weekly 7th day. The manna was a symbol of Yeshua Messiah (John 6:31-58). Connect the dots. No physical manna on the 7th DAY was a prophecy. There will be no physical presence of Christ on this earth, during the upcoming 7th MILLENNIUM. Yeshua Messiah will be with His “bride” (2Cor 11:2; Eph 5:23), in the place He has prepared for her, in His “Father’s House.” That “place” will be the New Jerusalem.


      “ . . . he has prepared a city for them” (Heb 11:16). NRS                   


                                                                                                 ON THE SABBATH

Reason #9:

      DURING the upcoming 7th millennium:


The redeemed will be living with Messiah Yeshua in the New Jerusalem - the “place prepared” in the “Father’s House.


Those confirmed in wickedness will be gone - destroyed in the “lake of fire” at the Glorious Return (Dan 12:2-3 and Rev 19:17-21).


The rest(those who lived and died in ignorance of our divine Father and His Son) will remain asleep in death, until the 8th millennium, when they will be restored to continued physical life (Rev 20:5).


The word translated as “sabbath,” means “rest.” The 7th Day was a commanded rest for man and beast (Exo 20:8-11). The 7th year was a commanded rest for “the land” (Lev 25:3-4). The 7th millennium will be the great “rest” for the earth.


On the 7th day, and during each 7th year, no seed was to be sown and no harvest was to be gathered. Now connect the dots. Commands for the weekly sabbath and for the 7th year sabbath, were prophetic.

            “With the LORD, a thousand years is as a day, and a day is as a thousand years.”

    2Peter 3:8


How many of Yeshua’s parables involved the use of “sowing” and “harvest” metaphor for the teaching of the Gospel and the gathering of believers for the Kingdom? (See Matthew 9:38, Luke 10:2, and Mark 4:3-9, 13-20.) If the Sabbath prophecy applies here, then the Gospel will NOT be “sown,” and human beings will NOT be gathered for the Kingdom DURING the upcoming (7th) sabbath millennium. WHY? Because there will be no one left alive on the earth after the final wrath plagues. The work of sowing and reaping can begin again, when “the rest” are resurrected - at the 8th millennium (Rev 20:5).




      Ancient Wedding Typology


Reason #10:

To understand Yeshua’s wedding feast parables, we must look to the marriage customs of ancient Galilee. Those were the customs familiar to His disciples.


A marriage was contracted (covenanted) between the father of the groom and the father of the bride, because the marriage would join two families. It wasn’t just about the bride and groom.

All involved parties would meet at the city gate, where a lengthy negotiation would take place. (Think prenuptial agreement.) Once the terms were acceptable to all parties, the bride would drink from a special ceremonial cup of wine, presented by her groom. This act sealed the marriage covenant. The groom then pledged, “I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father's” house (Matt 26:29). Are you connecting the dots?


Yeshua’s disciples were the first to enter into the “new (betrothal) covenant.” They formed the foundation of His coming kingdom. Their names are engraved into the twelve foundations of the wall that surrounds the New Jerusalem.


A waiting period followed the marriage covenant. The groom returned to his “father’s house” where he would “prepare a place” for his bride (usually an addition built on to the family compound, or a house immediately adjacent to but within the family estate). During the waiting period, the bride and groom did not see one another. (Think Joseph and Mary.) They would communicate through a “messenger.” When “the place” for the bride was completed, the father of the groom would give permission, and then the groom would go to retrieve his bride. Adultery by either party during the betrothal period, was regarded as a death penalty offense, against God, and against the other family of the covenant.


The bride’s “attendants” would most often be of her own household or clan. (Think ten virgins with lamps.) They would go forth to meet the approaching groom.


The bridal “attendants” had helped to “prepare” the bride for this day, and they would later serve (along with the “friends of the groom”) to confirm the bride’s virginity, before the “wedding feast” could begin.


A ceremony would take place at the door (or gate) of the bride’s home. The bride would come to the gate or doorway to “meet” her husband. He would then lift her veil and pronounce her most beautiful. She would then accompany her husband BACK to his “father’s house.” The marriage feast typically lasted 7 days.


Yeshua used the betrothal covenant, the waiting period, the place prepared, friends of the groom, bridal attendants, and the marriage feast, to explain future events and His relationship with His redeemed (Matt 22:2-14, Matt 25:1-13). He is the “betrothed husband” (2Cor 11:2, Eph 5:23). Redeemed Israel is “betrothed” to her Messiah by a “new covenant.” At the last supper, the disciples accepted “the cup” of that betrothal. New believers (grafted in to Israel) join this betrothal covenant. We commemorate this, when we partake of the “LORD’s Supper.”

      See our study: “Two Covenants.”


“And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.” Galatians 3:29


“For I am jealous for you with godly jealousy. For I have betrothed you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 11:2


We are waiting for our betrothed “husband.” We receive messages from our beloved through the Spirit. Only God the Father knows the day and the hour when this period of waiting will end, so that our Beloved may return for us (Matt 24:36).

            The “place prepared” is the New Jerusalem, presently located within the Heavenly realm.

“He has prepared a City for them” (Heb 11:16). We will go with Him, TO “the Father’s House,” for the consummation of the “marriage.” We will stand on the “sea of glass” before the Father’s throne (Rev 4:6, Rev 14:2), to be welcomed into the family of God.


Remember, I explained that the consummation of the marriage took place BEFORE the “wedding feast” could begin. The bride and groom would enter the special prepared suite or apartment, called the “bridal chamber.” The consummation process usually took only one day (in prophecy a thousand years). I personally believe the “wedding feast” will take place back on this earth, at the Jerusalem of Ezekiel’s vision.


The guests will come from “the rest of the dead.” Certainly a “mixed multitude” of “bad and good.” The King of the parable sent his servants out onto the roads, and they “gathered all whom they found, both bad and good.” “So the wedding hall was filled with guests” (Mat 22:2 ESV).


Consider the prophecy of Isaiah 11:1-10. The “Rod from the stem of Jesse” [Yeshua Messiah] will slay the wicked [at His Glorious Return]. Then “the wolf will dwell with the lamb” and “the earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORD.” This “root of Jesse” will “stand as a banner to the people;” and “the Gentiles will seek Him” (Isaiah 11:1-10).


In this prophecy, “Gentiles” seek the LORD, in the same kingdom where the wolf dwells with the lamb. This is the Kingdom of Messiah on the earth. For many other passages, please see our study “The 8th Day.”


The judgment is depicted in the parable, by “the King” who enters the wedding feast “to look at the guests.” He expels a man who is not wearing the provided “wedding garment,” which symbolizes the righteousness of Christ. “For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ(Gal 3:27 NAS, Job 29:4, Psa 61:10).


This wedding feast parable makes perfect sense, when you realize that “the nations” are NOT ISRAEL. “The nations” are invited to Jerusalem for the Feast of Sakkot and the final great Feast of the 8th Day (Zech Chapt 14). It fits, that some may come up for the Feast who are not surrendered to Yeshua Messiah as their Savior, and King. Their expulsion from the Feast may actually trigger the Gog/Magog attack.


John saw the Holy City “coming down from heaven” “adorned as a bride(Rev 21:10). This relocation signals the reunification of earth with Heaven. Ever since the Fall of Adam, humanity was “unclean” because of sin and death, and was therefore separated from the rest of God’s family. (Reference the quarantine of the leper, the “unclean” state of mankind, or the woman with a flow of blood.)


The relocation of the perfect New Jerusalem to the earth, cannot take place until the earth has been declared “clean” - cleansed of sin. Consider. The Jerusalem of Ezekiel’s vision, is NOT the New Jerusalem. Ezekiel’s Jerusalem is 5 miles wide. The New Jerusalem is 345miles wide.


Question: How could the Gentile (unconverted) “nations” come to the Feast of Tabernacles at the Jerusalem of Ezekiel’s vision (Zech 14:16-19), if that City and the whole “land” is completely covered by the New Jerusalem?


Question: How could the Gentile “nations” enter the New Jerusalem? ONLY those written in the Lamb’s Book of Life can enter there (Rev 21:27).


Question: How can the army of Gog/Magog “come up into the land,” (Ezek 38:8,16) if “the land” area is completely occupied by the New Jerusalem? That City will cover “the land” area promised to the “seed of Abraham.” And that City has a VERY HIGH WALL!


Answer: The “wedding feast” must take place BEFORE the New Jerusalem descends from heaven. The “nations” must be invited to Jerusalem BEFORE the New Jerusalem descends from heaven. And the Battle of Gog and Magog must take place BEFORE the New Jerusalem descends from heaven.


The wicked rebels of Gog/Magog will come from “the rest of the dead,” who are not resurrected until the 8th millennium. This pushes the descent of the New Jerusalem, well into the 8th Day.


NOTE: The Temple in Ezekiel’s vision, is located outside of “the City.” In contrast, “God and the Lamb are the Temple” of the New Jerusalem, when that City descends.

      See our study: “Ezekiel’s Temple.”




Reason #11: Following the 7 day Feast of Tabernacles, Israel celebrated one last Feast - the “sacred assembly” of the 8th Day (Lev 23:33-36). They took down their sukka. They no longer ate their meals in temporary shelters. I believe this feast prophecy tells us WHEN we - Israel Redeemed, will finally be home - returned to the earth and to our inheritance within “the land promised.”



Reason #12: David was the 8th son of Jesse. He ruled over Judah for 7 years and 6 months (2Kings 2:11). He became king over united Israel/Judah - in the 8th year. King David was a TYPE of Yeshua Messiah, who will become King over united Israel/Judah, returned to the land, at the 8th millennium. He will reign over the whole earth as “the commonwealth of Israel.”


Reason #13:


            Firstborn males (both human and animal) were presented to the LORD at the 8th day. The LORD declared Israel His “firstborn” (Exodus 4:22). Connect the dots. During the 8th millennium, many from “the nations” will be “grafted in” to Israel redeemed. Those from “the nations” who rebel (seeking to overthrow the reign of Christ), will be consumed by “fire” from the LORD out of Heaven (at the Gog/Magog battle). Only Israel will remain. “And so all Israel will be saved” (Rom 9:27, Rom 11:26). Yeshua Messiah will “present” this final Kingdom to His Father, before the end of the 8th Day (1Cor 15:24-28).

Reason #14:


Newborn Israelite males were circumcised at the 8th day (Lev 12:3, Acts 7:8, Gen 17:12). At the fulfillment of this prophecy, ALL of Israel redeemed will be finally and perfectly circumcised in heart.


    Romans 2:29 “. . . circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter;”


2 Peter 3:8 “But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” (Psalm 90:4)



Looking over the serious number of clues pointing to the 8th millennium, I question how any student of Bible prophecy could simply dismiss them. This may indeed be THE deception of the last days, that will ensnare “the very elect.” Expecting Messiah to rule on the earth during the upcoming 7th millennium, they will unknowingly serve the Evil One when he “sits in the Temple of God, showing himself that he is God” (2Thess 2:4). Our Enemy knows the prophecies. He will make it appear, that every one has been fulfilled before he makes his appearance.


For links to all the full studies involving Messiah’s return, judgment day, the last plagues and the 7th millennium, “the rest of the dead,” Messiah’s 8th Day reign with His “kingdom of priests,” the Gog-Magog Battle, the Great White Throne judgment and the “lake of fire,” please follow this link to: The 8th Day.

We pray this study will prove a blessing.

Rachel Cory-Kuehl

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